AppliTek EZ Series on display at Pollutec

AppliTek EZ Series on display at Pollutec

2018 has been a busy year with the EZ Series Analysers featuring on the Hach booths at multiple exhibitions and conferences. It all started with IFAT the world leading wastewater exhibition in Munich, Germany. Achema in Frankfurt, Germany, ACE in Las Vegas and Weftec in New Orleans, USA, followed as well as many smaller events.

EZ Series Analysers have been to Greece, Brazil, Russia, the Netherlands, Italy, Canada, Great Britain and the Emirates.

Your last chance to come face to face with an EZ Series Analyser on an exhibition in 2018 is actually this week during Pollutec in Lyon, France.

Visit our booth 5-C147. We are looking forward to welcoming you there.

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