For 30+ years AppliTek’s system integration division has been designing, engineering and constructing on-line monitoring systems, from liquid analysis systems to complex gas monitoring shelters, offering you the key to higher production efficiency, enhanced safety, cost control and finally your competitive advantage.
AppliTek’s starting point for each and every project is its analytical expertise. Through continuous innovation and field experience AppliTek is able to provide you the most advanced analyzer systems designed for 24/7 measurements in your process. As a solution provider, we offer also several services to complement the analytical part of our value proposition.
7 reasons to choose AppliTek for your analytical project
1. AppliTek sells you more than an analyzer
AppliTek’s symbiosis between analytical expertise and system integration guarantees you a complete solution for a measuring problem, not merely an analyzer.
2. AppliTek’s analytical expertise is second to none
AppliTek has a track record of 30+ years in the analytical business thanks to an extensive experience in most analytical techniques: titration, colorimetry, voltammetry, respirometry, chromatography, biomonitoring…
3. AppliTek turnkey systems are field proven on virtually all continents
AppliTek’s solutions are installed around the Globe, from arid, hot regions to arctic environments. All analytics are contained in AnaShell shelters and cabinets made of chemically resistant materials, stainless steel or even concrete.
4. AppliTek is the leading manufacturer of safety critical on-line monitoring systems
AppliTek’s hydrogen analysis systems are in full operation at chemical plants worldwide and exemplary of our knowledge of delicate production processes, how to control them and prevent safety incidents or process failure.
5. AppliTek manufactures its own custom sampling and preconditioning panels
Deeply rooted into the process industry, AppliTek has extensive experience in a myriad of pretreatment techniques. We know how to handle and pretreat liquids, slurries, powders and gases, in accordance to your specs.
6. AppliTek’s expert teams control all steps of the delivery chain
AppliTek’s engineering department has dedicated teams of specialists and engineers for software, CAD drawings, Ex proof design, cost planning and, last but not least, commissioning on-site.
7. AppliTek provides global availability and local support
Where necessary, AppliTek shares a joint strategy with local qualified companies for advice and support. These assist in start-up and commissioning of your project, while assuring a personal follow-up.