Pulp & Paper

Historically pulp and paper production has ranked among the most resource-intensive and highly polluting of all manufacturing industries. Besides fiber, the primary inputs into the paper making process are water, energy and chemicals. AppliTek has developed a set of specific monitoring solutions in order to meet the ever-increasing demand for cost-effective paper production versus tightening environmental regulation.
Kraft paper mills use large amounts of strong alkaline pulping solutions that are continuously spent and recovered during manufacturing. Efficient operation and consistent quality specifications depend largely on tight control of the mill’s recovery lines and causticizing degree. Our experience shows that on-line monitoring is an important tool in debottlenecking and stabilizing the causticizing process.
As many of our customers know, AppliTek is also your one-stop shop for on-line analyzer systems with regards to water quality. Our large portfolio of water analyzers helps you meet environmental compliance and control the overall wastewater treatment process.